
English for Tourism

EZ Consultancy

Tél. :22701560
E-mail :

Date de début : 03/08/2015
Durée : 10 Heures
Nombre de places : 8
Déscription :
Per Week: 20 lessons General English + 10 lessons English for Tourism. Each lesson is of 45 minutes duration.

The General English programme consists of interactive sessions designed to improve participants’ ability in communicating effectively by developing their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation will also be presented and practiced in relation to their real-life use.
The English for Tourism specialisation takes place over 10 lessons per week, and are normally held as an add-on to the General English programme.
Lieu de la formation:
Tunis - Tunisie

Formation par ville

Formation professionnelle en Tunisie Formation Professionnelle Sans Bac et Avec Bac. Liste des centres de formation professionnelle privée et étatique en Tunisie :

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